Phone – Feel free to give us a call! You can find the number to each of our clinics at the bottom of this page.Online – Click “Make A Payment” from our menu. From here, you will be transferred to our secure patient portal, where you’re able to easily make a payment.

We are proud to be contracted with most insurances, including AHCCCS plans. You can see a complete list if you select “Insurance” under the Patient Info tab. Services through Phoenix Tattoo Removal and Skin Revitalization are not covered by insurance.
Please cancel any appointment no later than 24 hours prior or a fee may be assessed.
If you are unsure if you need a referral or not, please give one of our offices a call! If you do need one, we will be happy to help! Our phone numbers are located at the bottom of this page.
All of our locations are open Monday – Friday 7AM to 5PM. On most Saturdays, our locations in West Phoenix and Glendale are open 8AM-12PM. Please call ahead if you do not have an appointment scheduled.


Things are changing in healthcare, and we need to be sure that balances for which the patient is responsible for are paid in a timely manner. We need to ensure that we have a guarantee of payment on file in our office.
We must be fair and apply the policy to all patients. We have wonderful patients, and we know that most of you pay your balances. Unfortunately, this is not the case every time.
You will receive a letter in the mail from your insurance carrier that explains how much of your office visit they pay and how much you pay; this is called an Explanation of Benefits (EOB). This letter tells you, based on your health insurance coverage, how much of your health care bill is your responsibility and how much is the responsibility of your insurance to pay.
We receive the same letter you do. It arrives about 20-30 days after your appointment. We look at each EOB carefully, and see what your insurance has determined as patient responsibility. This is the same way we normally determine how much to send you a bill for in the mail.
We do not store your sensitive credit card information in our office. We store it on a secure website called a gateway. We access your information on this site only to process your payment. We follow the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards to the letter and will not compromise your data security. Medical practices are used to having to secure information under HIPAA laws, and we already have policies in place for any credit card information we encounter.
We will always work with you to understand if there has been a mistake and will refund you if we have made the billing error.
Every time you receive medical services, you will receive notification from your insurance company with how much they paid or did not pay if the amount went towards your deductible.